Last town hall meeting of the year set for Dec. 14

If you’ve been meaning to make it out to one of Mayor Lioneld Jordan’s town hall meetings but haven’t gotten around to it, next week is your last chance of the year.

The final town hall meeting of 2009 will be Monday, Dec. 14, from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Yvonne Richardson Community Center, 240 E. Rock St. As always, everyone is encouraged to attend.

Each town hall meeting is scheduled in a different ward throughout the year, and this time the meeting will be held in Ward One.

Mayor Jordan will be joined by:

  • City Finance Director Paul Becker – Will provide updates on the economic forecast for the city.
  • City Engineer Chris Brown – Will discuss the Road & Trails projects funded through the citizen-passed road bond referendum.
  • Parks and Recreation Director Connie Edmonston – Will provide an update on the Sequoyah Gardens Park renovations and upcoming park projects.
  • Director of Strategic Planning Karen Minkel – Will discuss the hillside ordinance.
  • Development Services Director Jeremy Pate – Will discuss the Fayetteville Animal Shelter.
  • Police Chief Greg Tabor and Interim Fire Chief Kyle Curry – Will discuss holiday season safety tips.
  • As provided in each of town hall meeting, the last 30 minutes will be devoted to questions from the audience.