Photos: OK, so it’s pretty cold out there

“Burr, it’s cold,” doesn’t really do it justice today. Last night, I was poking fun at the fact that everyone was freaking out about the weather but after just two minutes on the downtown square this morning, my fingers were actually starting to hurt.

I was on the square to take a few photos of Hank Kaminksy’s World Peace Prayer Fountain that sits in front of the Town Center building. I saw a tweet last night which said the fountain was frozen over and figured I’d stop by this morning to grab a few pics of my own.

It’s starting to warm up a little out there but this morning, it dipped just below 10 degrees at around sunrise. I heard somewhere that we had record lows yesterday. I guess I believe it now.

If the above slideshow doesn’t load, you can see the entire Frozen Peace Prayer Fountain set at Flickr.