Monday To-do: Jan. 10

Remember last week when the Arkansas dead bird story made it onto a moving picture news program called The Daily Show?

Well, we did it again.

This time, though, it was the weekly moving picture program as Andy Samburg appeared on SNL’s Weekend Update as Cameron the Red-Winged Blackbird, the lone survivor of the New Year’s Day incident. Appearing alongside Cameron was Everett the Fish. Here’s a link if you’re interested.

Are there any monthly moving picture news programs we should set our DVRs for?


It’s a cold, slow day in Fayetteville. We got some snow, but not much. Congrats to the lower half of our state for getting a much-needed powder party.

Most people will be tuned into the BCS Championship Game tonight, but it you do try to get out:

Rogue is hosting a last-minute show with Athens, Georgia’s Betsy Franck & The Bareknuckle Band. The bluesy, alt-country group was supposed to play last night, but according to Rogue’s Facebook wall, the show was moved to tonight.

Elsewhere, there’s a house show at The Dandy and a few other options.

The list

Trinity United Methodist: MOPS – Michelle Duggar Speech
UA Campus: ‘Ozark Modern’ — Exhibition of Edward Durell Stone furniture
Fayetteville Public Library: BookTalk Reads Per Petterson
Pesto Cafe: Darren Ray
The Dandy at Lawson Park: World History / Real Live Tigers / Memphis Pencils
Rogue Pizza Co.: Betsy Franck & The Bareknuckle Band

Public Meetings

Advertising and Promotion Commission: Town Center – 2:00 p.m.
Planning Commission: City Hall, Room 219 – 5:30 p.m.
Animal Services Advisory Board: City Hall, Room 111 – 5:30 p.m.