Tuesday To-do: Jan. 11

When Fayetteville Public Schools officials announced the administration’s verdict that classes would not be canceled today, the kids were not happy.

Comments on the FPS Facebook wall post represented the frustrated (“Uuugghh…”), the surprised (“Wat the flip?!?!?! Noooo!!!!”), and the somewhat morbid (“Hope no one dies trying to go to school.”)

Can you really blame them, though? Snow days are great. In fact, the only thing better than a snow day is a snow day with some actual snow.

Fingers crossed.


If you’re planning to get out tonight, could you please let us know what you’re doing? Because today’s list is a little slim. And by “a little” we mean “a lottle.”

Here’s what we’ve got:

At Rogue, there’s a poetry slam event beginning at 7 p.m. An open mic competition (cash prize alert) will be followed by a feature from Florida poet Reggie Eldridge. Tonight is Eldridge’s second stop on tour for his third CD, “The Awakening” (see embedded video below).

Other than that, there’s jazz at Teatro Scarpino and a handful of public meetings at City Hall.

There you go.

The list

Rogue Pizza Co.: Poetry Slam
Teatro Scarpino: Live jazz

Public Meetings

FFEAC Transportation Group: City Hall, Room 111 – 8:30 a.m.
City Council Agenda Session (Agenda): City Hall, Room 326 – 4:30 p.m.
Water and Sewer Committee Canceled: City Hall, Room 111 – 5:15 p.m.
Special CAT Board Meeting: City Television Center – 6:00 p.m.