TEDx Fayetteville 2013 videos now online

KUAF news director Kyle Kellams delivers “In Defense of Small Talk” at TEDx Fayetteville

Photo: University of Arkansas

Last spring, a group of local speakers with “ideas worth spreading” spoke at the first ever TEDx Fayetteville event held at Walton Arts Center on March 27, 2013.

As of last week, videos of all 10 talks from the event are available to watch for free online.

KUAF news director Kyle Kellams, University of Arkansas Vice Provost for Distance Education Javier Reyes, Tri Cycle Farms founder Don Bennet, and Fayetteville band 3 Penny Acre were among the speakers at the one-day event. Kellams’ talk, titled “In Defense of Small Talk,” was recently added to a Best of TED Talks YouTube channel.

Each of the talks is embedded below. Enjoy.

Kyle Kellams – In Defense of Small Talk

3 Penny Acre – We are Happy to be Here

Andy Murray – Invitation to the Quest

Quincy Jordan – A Community Defined: Strength through the Storm

Donna Davis – Faces of Climate Change

Javier Reyes & Rebecca Miles – The Last 10 Feet

Alexandria Mero – Discover Your Source

Don Bennett – Community Through Soil

Daniel Hintz – The DNA of Place

Ron Harris – The Gift Inside Of You