LIVE UPDATES: Fayetteville City Council recap: Sept. 4, 2018

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On the agenda…

  • Rezoning 2.89 acres southeast of Pump Station Road and City Lake Road.
  • Changing the Unified Development Code to allow model homes in subdivisions.
  • Two contracts for economic development consulting services.
  • Purchasing a prefabricated bridge for Niokaska Creek Trail.
  • Purchasing parts for the West Side Water Resource Recovery Facility.

» Download the full agenda

A meeting of the Fayetteville City Council began at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018 inside room 219 of City Hall, located at 113 W. Mountain St. in Fayetteville.

Listed below are the items up for approval and links to PDF documents with detailed information on each item of business.

Roll Call

Present: Adella Gray, Sarah Marsh, Mark Kinion, Matthew Petty, Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Justin Tennant, Sarah Bunch, John La Tour, Kyle Smith
Absent: None

» View current attendance records

City Council Meeting Presentations, Reports and Discussion Items

1. Monthly Financial ReportFinance Director Paul Becker

Notes: Becker said sales tax is up 4.8% for the year through July (he originally projected a 2-3% increase).


Consent items are approved in a single, all-inclusive vote unless an item is pulled by a council member.

1. Approval of the Aug. 21, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes
Pass 8-0

2. Bid #18-44 Wheeler Lumber, LLC (Details): A resolution to award Bid #18-44 and authorize the purchase of a prefabricated bridge from Wheeler Lumber, LLC in the amount of $90,700.00 plus applicable taxes to be installed on the Niokaska Creek Trail.
Pass 8-0

3. Electric Motor Center of Springdale, Inc. (Details): A resolution to authorize the repair of a jet mixing pump used at the West Side Water Resource Recovery Facility by Electric Motor Center of Springdale, Inc. in the amount of $30,500.12 plus applicable taxes.
Pass 8-0

4. Startup Junkie Consulting, LLC Amendment No. 2 (Details): A resolution to approve Amendment No. 2 to the contract with Startup Junkie Consulting, LLC for an additional three (3) months of economic development consulting services in an amount not to exceed $37,500.00.
Pass 8-0

5. Chamber of Commerce Amendment No. 2 (Details): A resolution to approve Amendment No. 2 to the contract with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce for an additional three (3) months of economic development consulting services in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00.
Pass 8-0

Unfinished Business


New Business

1. Schneider Electric Services USA, Inc. (Details)

An ordinance to waive the requirements of formal competitive bidding and authorize the purchase and installation of an R-frame retrofit kit for a new circuit breaker at the West Side Water Resource Recovery Facility from Schneider Electric Services USA, Inc. in the amount of $21,938.84 plus applicable taxes.
Pass 8-0

Background: The facility treats an average of 7.2 million gallons of wastewater per day, according to city documents. All treated process water is disinfected with a unit that uses a 2,000-amp main circuit breaker. Staff said the current breaker is an older, P-Frame type that is an obsolete model and has been prone to nuisance tripping, resulting in unnecessary system shut downs and personnel call-outs. A similar upgrade was made last year to a piece of equipment at the facility, which staff said has increased the reliability and performance of the unit.

Discussion: There was no public comment. Council member Mark Kinion said the request was recommended for approval by the council’s Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Committee. The council advanced the ordinance to the third and final reading before voting unanimously to approve the purchase.

2. RZN 18-6283 (SE of Pump Station Road & City Lake Road / Park Ozark, LLC) (Details)

An ordinance to rezone that property described in rezoning petition RZN 18-6283 for approximately 2.89 acres located southeast of Pump Station Road and City Lake Road from R-A, Residential Agricultural and I-2, General Industrial to I-1, Heavy Commercial & Light Industrial.
Pass 8-0

Background: The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Morningside Drive/City Lake Road and Pump Station Road, in an area comprised of industrial and residential land uses. Both the Planning Commission and city planning staff recommend approval of the requested rezoning.

Location: Here’s a map…

Discussion: There was no public comment. The council advanced the ordinance to the third and final reading before voting unanimously to approve the request.

3. ADM 18-6259: (Amend UDC Chapters 151 and 164, Model Homes) (Details)

An ordinance to amend §151.01 Definitions and §164.01 Accessory Commercial Uses of the Fayetteville Unified Development Code to allow model homes in subdivisions.
Pass 8-0

Background: City staff said over the last several years, the city has heard from multiple larger home builders about a desire to build model homes while a subdivision is undergoing the preliminary plat process and before final plat. This practice is generally not allowed by right under the Unified Development Code but by conditional use permit. Both the Planning Commission and city planning staff recommend approval of the change.

Details: The following amendments are proposed for model homes.

  • Allow model homes in single family detached subdivisions undergoing the preliminary and final plat process.
  • The preliminary plat must be approved before a building permit for a model home may be issued.
  • The lots to be developed with the model home(s) must have frontage on an existing public street or a temporary access road approved by the Fire Department.
  • A traffic control plan must be presented at the time of building permit to minimize conflicts between construction and model home traffic.
  • Parking lots for model homes are not permitted.
  • Use of model homes for a sales office requires inspection and approval for compliance
    with applicable building and fire codes.

Discussion: There was no public comment. The council advanced the ordinance to the third and final reading before voting unanimously to approve the changes.


This meeting was adjourned at 5:58 p.m.