Experience Fayetteville, artists, musicians represent the Ozarks at Smithsonian Folklife Festival

( Courtesy, Experience Fayetteville)

Representatives from Experience Fayetteville along with a host of Fayetteville artists, musicians, and others will represent the Ozarks at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival taking place in Washington DC.

Experience Fayetteville loaded up in “Vanny the Fayettevan,” a mobile visitors center, and headed to DC to share information about Fayetteville with attendees at the event that will host an exhibit called Ozarks: Faces and Facets of a Region this year.

“Our primary reason for sponsoring and attending the Smithsonian Folklife Festival is to reach the 1 million attendees who are learning about the Ozarks as expertly presented by our nation’s preeminent cultural institution and to encourage those folks to experience the Ozarks firsthand in Fayetteville, Arkansas,” said Experience Fayetteville CEO Molly Rawn.

Several faces familiar in Fayetteville are on the exhibitors list for the event this year. Bands like The Ozark Highballers, Sad Daddy, Kalyn Faye Barnoski, Big Smith, Willi Carlisle, Pura Coco/DJ Raquel, Aviva Pilgrim, and others who frequent local stages are representing the region at the festival.

Local artist Cory Perry, Olivia Trimble, Jennifer Northorp, Alan Rodriguez and Kayleigh Tolman Simone Cottrell, and others will also be in attendance along with Yeyo’s chef and founder Rafael Rios and pH Alchemy owner Emily Lawson representing food and beverages. A full list of regional participants in the Ozarks exhibition is here.

The festival will take place June 29–July 4 and July 6–9, 2023 on the National Mall. Here’s a full schedule of events and demonstrations.

( Courtesy, Experience Fayetteville)