WowZa ball wearable art event coming to Mount Sequoyah

Artist Gina Gallina

The local artist behind the yarn bombing of Maxine’s Tap Room and a crochet graffiti installation around Fayetteville has a new creative project in the works.

This time, crochet artist Gina Gallina will host a wearable art event called WowZa Ball on Saturday, Feb. 10 at Millar Lodge on Mount Sequoyah.

From the description of the event:

Let us celebrate the Wonders of Wearable Art at this Interactive Ball for and by the community! Enter to win the Grand Prize WowZa Ruler for all eternity, or just attend the fun! You are encouraged to make a costume or just dress up however wild and crazy you want, or dress down! Just wear something! 

Competitors in the wearable art show can enter for free, and will be entered to win a $500 cash prize

Gallina and some of her artist friends are also offering up a series of free workshops leading up to the event to help participants get inspired and equip them with some tools that may come in handy when creating their wearable art pieces for the ball. Details on upcoming workshops are included in the graphic below.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and the event starts at 7 p.m.

Tickets to the event are $20, on sale here.

For a bit more information, visit Gallina’s website.

Upcoming WowZa wearable art workshops