Experience Fayetteville seeks resident input for tourism plan

(Courtesy, Experience Fayetteville)

An organization charged with stimulating tourism in Fayetteville is seeking feedback from residents this week as part of the process to create a tourism master plan for the city.

Experience Fayetteville is seeking feedback via an online survey from residents as part of the process to create a planning document intended to “set a course for the next decade,” officials said in a press release issued this week.

“Fayetteville and its tourism economy is poised for incredible growth over the next decade, and Experience Fayetteville is excited to seize this opportunity to engage our residents,” says Molly Rawn, CEO of Experience Fayetteville, the city’s destination marketing organization. “Tourism can be a powerful means of creating a vibrant quality of life for Fayetteville residents, so understanding the perspectives of those who live here is crucial to the success of the plan.

Officials said they are hoping to understand resident sentiment on issues like personal wellbeing, community pride, the importance of tourism to the local economy and quality of life, and others.

The survey is open to all adult residents, and participants will be entered into a drawing for local restaurant gift cards in exchange for giving their feedback.

To participate, visit experiencefayetteville.com/survey.