Fayetteville School Board member Megan Tullock resigns, district seeks applicants

Megan Tullock / Screen capture

The Fayetteville Board of Education is seeking applications to replace at-large member Megan Tullock, who resigned this week.

Tullock, who was elected to the board in 2016, said her resignation is effective March 28.

“It’s been a privilege to serve the community as a member of the school board, and my resignation is in no way a withdrawal of my support for FPS,” she said. “So many wonderful things are happening throughout the district. I am excited for Dr. Mulford and his leadership team, our kids and families, and staff at every level.”

The board will appoint an applicant to Tullock’s seat at the end of April. Those interested in applying should send a letter to board president Nika Waitsman at 1000 W. Bulldog Blvd., Fayetteville, AR 72701, or via email to [email protected].

The letter should include info on why the applicant is interested in serving on the board, how the applicant feels qualified for the service, the applicant’s time availability and dedication to service, and what the applicant believes are the three most important issues facing the board in the next few years, officials said. Applications must be received by Monday, April 15 to be considered.

All applicants must live within the Fayetteville school district.

The term for the appointment will last until the next school election set for March 2025.

“We are very grateful to Megan for her years of service on the school board,” said school board president Nika Waitsman. “She served through some trying times for our school district, and she was always looking for ways the district could better serve our students, their families, and our staff members.”