Designs by local artists featured on new construction fence banners

Photos: Flyer staff

Five regional artists have been selected by the Walton Arts Center to have their work displayed on the fence around the Upper Ramble construction site, and those banners are now in place and on display.

Designs by artist Gina Galina, Katy Kane, Yevgeniya Nommesen, Heather Weston, and Ashley Harris were chosen by Walton Arts Center officials for the project, part of the Walton Arts Center’s annual Artosphere: Arkansas’ Arts + Nature Festival happening now at various locations around the region through the month of May.

From the description of the project:

Aligning with the annual Artosphere Festival mission of experiencing art in nature and art inspired by nature, the commissioned works include a variety of mediums each highlighting a nature theme, including animals, plants and the solar system.

The printed banners were created on mesh canvas, which is upcycled from Broadway banners that previously hung from the building.

The murals are now on display around on the northwest-facing fence just in front of the Walton Arts Center, and will remain on display until the construction is finished later this year.

Work by artist Ashley Harris
Work by artist Heather Weston
Work by artist Katy Kane
Work by artist Yevgeniya Nommesen
Work by artist Gina Gallina