Fayetteville Public Library accepting donations to help with fire restoration

The Fayetteville Public Library is shown in this photo from Monday, April 15, 2024. (Flyer photo)

The Fayetteville Public Library is still seeking donations to support restoration efforts following a fire that occurred in April.

The fire, which started on the roof due to an ember from a volunteer beekeeper’s smudge pot, caused significant smoke damage, particularly to the administrative offices and youth library areas.

To fully restore the library, a minimum of $100,000 is needed to cover the insurance deductible and additional repair costs. An online fundraising campaign has so far secured $23,257 in donations.

“Every contribution, big or small, will help us get back to offering all the programs and resources you love,” according to a library statement. “Let’s show the world that when it comes to supporting our library, we’re fire starters in the best possible way!”

Visit the fundraising site at givelively.org.