Fayetteville Public Library reopens with limited services, hours after fire

Fayetteville Public Library has reopened with limited services and hours after a fire damaged the building over the weekend.

The library’s original Blair Building, which is home to the adult fiction and nonfiction collections, along with the Arsaga’s coffee shop, will open at 9 a.m. through the rest of the week, but will close at 5 p.m. The new area created when the library expanded will remain closed through Sunday, officials said.

In addition, all library programs have also been cancelled through Sunday.

A limited selection of youth and teen books are available for check out at the Mountain Street lobby, officials said.

A small fire broke out on the roof Sunday night, but was quickly contained and extinguished.

The source of the fire was identified as an ember from a volunteer beekeeper’s smudge pot which could’ve blown onto a portion of the roof that is covered with grass and other vegetation.

The fire sent smoke throughout the library, and the administrative offices were heavily impacted, executive director David Johnson said earlier this week.

A cleanup and restoration crew is currently working to clean carpets, upholstery, surfaces, walls, shades and curtains.

Library officials will make a determination for next week’s schedule and availability, and will make those announcements later this week.