Wednesday To-do: Dec. 1

We’ve officially entered December which means that today is World AIDS Day, a day to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS, to remember those who have died from the disease, and to celebrate progressive treatments and prevention services. In honor of World AIDS Day, the NWA Center for Equality is hosting a candlelight vigil at

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion

Monday To-do: Nov. 29

Whether your tur(or tofur)key is fully digested or not, we’re willing to bet that today’s going to drag along slower than a pair of in-laws who said they were going to leave first thing in the morning, but who were still there at noon and who twice motioned towards the door at around 2 p.m.

Weekend To-do: Nov. 26-28

Yesterday was cool. There was turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, rolls, broccoli casserole, and yams. It was nice to hang out with your uncle (the normal one), and your cousins were pretty cute running around the house in their turkey outfits. All that is over today, but there are three days left in this

Empty Calendar: Nov. 25

It’s no surprise to us that today’s calendar slot is completely empty. Why is that, you ask? Because today is Thanksgiving Day, you big turkey. If you’re not taking part in any of the traditional Thanksgiving ceremonies like eating bird meat, watching a parade on TV, driving to Little Rock, or pretending to enjoy the

Wednesday To-do: Nov. 24

I’m willing to bet that the majority of you who are reading this to-do post today are only doing so to kill some time before you get off work (hopefully at noon) and head out of town for Thanksgiving. If that’s the case, there’s probably not a lot of nighttime planning going on in your