Five ways to support the Fayetteville Flyer that cost zero dollars

A couple weeks ago, we announced a way for those who appreciate the work we do here at the Flyer to help support us by voluntarily chipping in to a new program we hope will eventually help us expand our coverage to new areas.

We had a great response, and several of you have already signed up to help keep the Flyer free for all. To those who’ve done so, thank you. To those who’d still like to contribute, you can do that here.

We also know that for a variety of reasons, this type of program isn’t for everyone, but there are plenty of folks who’d like to help support our mission in other ways. This post is for you.

Here’s a list of five simple ways to help support the Flyer that don’t cost you a thing, other than a few minutes of your time.

1. Subscribe to our free email newsletter

One super easy way to help support our work while also keeping up with all the things happening in and around Fayetteville is to subscribe to our free email newsletter.

We typically send messages about three times each week with links to our stories, plus a few helpful tidbits of info, photos, and more.

It’s a great way to stay up to date that doesn’t rely on those pesky social media algorithms that don’t always show our stories to everyone who’d like to stay in the know.

» Subscribe here

2. Bookmark our site and read our stories

It might seem like a no-brainer, but probably the easiest way to support the Flyer is by simply bookmarking the site, visiting regularly, and reading our stories. Again, it bypasses those algorithms that don’t reliably show you our posts and is the best way to stay up to date and make sure you never miss a story. You can find us every day at

3. Visit our sponsors, and tell them you saw them on the Flyer

The Flyer has always been supported by advertising. We work with some incredible local businesses that have decided that Flyer readers are exactly the type of folks they want to do business with. They have stepped up to support our site in a big way, and just letting them know you saw them on the Flyer goes a long way to help justify their investment. Take a second to familiarize yourself with the folks who support our work, and let them know you appreciate them when you can.

» Check out our sponsors

4. Follow us and stay engaged

As we mentioned above, following us on social media doesn’t guarantee that you’ll see all our posts, but it doesn’t hurt. The Flyer is active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and we do our best to share our stories on all three of those networks as much as we can. If you use these networks, make sure you’re following the Flyer. Pro tip, you’ll see more of our stories on social media if you interact with them via a like, comment or share.

» Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

5. Tell a friend about the Flyer

Winning folks over, one water cooler conversation at a time. Next time you’re talking with a friend about something cool you saw on the Flyer, just tell ’em where you saw it. Bonus points if that friend owns a business and would benefit from one of our affordable advertising options. Wink.

But overall, y’all, please just keep doing what you’re doing. Continue using the site however you find us. We are constantly overwhelmed with the sheer number of people who visit our site on a daily basis and who support us with kind words and in so many other ways. We appreciate all of you so much. Thanks for reading!