City Council snapshot: May 21, 2024

Welcome to this week’s City Council Snapshot.

In this feature, we offer a few highlights from the previous evening’s council meeting.

For those who’d like a more in-depth recap of the meeting, including the roll call, detailed descriptions, vote counts and supplementary documents for each item, make sure to check out our full recap of the meeting.

» See the full recap for this meeting

7-story building on Dickson Street

An ordinance was approved to vacate an access easement at southeast of the intersection of Church Avenue and Dickson Street which will help allow the property owner to proceed with redevelopment plans for a seven-story building (see our story here).

New stormwater utility fee

The council passed a resolution of intent to create a stormwater utility fee that would be based on a property’s amount of impervious surface area. Proposed fees range from $1.69 to $9.79 per month, with larger properties paying more (see our story here).

Full city-block rezoning near UA & FHS

A rezoning request was introduced that could lead to a full city block being leveled and replaced with a new housing complex near the UA and FHS campuses. The land includes the full block east of Duncan, south of Treadwell, west of Hill Avenue and north of Putman Street (see our story here). The discussion was put on hold until the next meeting.

Earmarking funds for the Housing Crisis Task Force

A resolution to appropriate $1 million from ARPA funds to the Housing Crisis Task Force was tabled until June 4. The resolution, which aims to address the housing crisis, underwent amendments to refine the language and remove immediate timeline pressures. Concerns were raised about the proposal’s vagueness and potential diversion from planned infrastructure projects.

Notifying tenants of potential changes

The council passed an ordinance to ensure that all residents, including tenants of rental properties, are notified about proposed changes, such as rezoning requests their landlords have made.